Ensure consistency and quality of all your software with an automated code-checking tool that seamlessly integrates with Jira.

With CodeQuality you get a clearer view of your developers’ work at the click of a button, eliminating doubt and creating a whole new level of transparency.

What you can achieve with Code Quality

  • Ensure the compliance of our code with transparent KPIs.
  • Observe the quality of the code committed by individual developers and entire teams.
  • Analyze the code quality of individual tasks or the software suit as a whole.
  • Use a single suite with support of 12 technologies to minimize the risk of tech-debt.
  • Observe how code quality metrics improve and spot trends to make informed decisions.
  • Estimate fix times & requirements and receive advice on how/why code should be fixed.
  • Manage the dynamics of software development without being a developer yourself.
  • Eliminate legal risks by setting and automatically enforcing SLA-based code requirements.


Code Quality Demo